So many of us never thought we were creative growing up. No one around me really did anything creative as a hobby, just one friend who drew every once in a while. School doesn’t really push for it. But we all have a little artist in us. From the first time, I got my camera to bring with studying abroad, to dreaming of writing and exploring with poetry. I’ve spent all my adult life trying to find who I am as an artist.

Which is easier said than done. Life gets in the way, bills to pay, jobs taking too much time. Even the things we want to do, hanging with friends, will take time away. But it will always call you back. And you have to decide to listen or not. Because it will have to be a choice. To come back over and over. Choose to let it out.

But sometimes someone actively acts against you doing any of this. It can be for many reasons. They don’t see the “benefit” of art. They are jealous of the time you take for it. All the way to just not wanting to have something for yourself that you could be great at. Sadly, you’re probably going to meet all of these at some point. Mine just came at once, in one person.

But at some point, we come back to ourselves. Hopefully not after too much time. But it’s never too late, it’s always waiting for you. Because it’s yours and always will be. So here’s to the dreamers and believers. My fellow creatives. To exploring what our creative sides want to put out into the world.

I started out just doing freelance work to see what called to me. And over the years I’ve found how much I love writing, photography, and podcasting (and getting into video). I have written 2 books and several short stories and have so many plans for much more.